Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pacesetter Voucher 3 Discussion Question- DAY 1

What is your October goal and what are YOU going to do to make it happen (Be specific) and check back later- I'll be commenting on it!!



  1. October Goal:
    Hold that initial class from which I can book more and by end of october hold consistent 2 parties a week and grow from there.

    Recruit at least 5 quality ladies with the $50 promotion by October 31 to get me on my way to earning a car.

    How I will accomplish this:
    Memorize and own the scripts!!
    Get out and meet new people. Overcome my warm chatter insecurities

    Contact my customers from Las Vegas that I have planted seeds with about the business and share my excitement about Mary Kay especially with the $50 promo.

    get out and meet new women and find ones who want to be their own boss and earn more money.
    Cynthia O'Toole, Margaret Leonelli unit

  2. My goal for October is to get bookings from bookings. I plan on memorizing Lesley's simple class opening and make it work for me and my personality. I really think that her opening and focusing on the 2nd appt is important.

    I would also like to recruit at least 1 team member w/ the October $50 special(may seem low to some but this is an area I have struggled with and if I can get one under my belt I think I will be better at it).

    I plan on definitely using more warm chatter to do this and if needed really step out of my comfort zone..whatever that may be at the time.

  3. My goal for October is to get bookings. By going to local businesses and networking, having an open house, wearing my name tag everywhere, anything and everything that I can think of. then at those classes using Lesley's opening and making sure that I do the 8 pt close.

  4. My goal for October is to finish 2nd month of car! I will get 10 "Passionately PINK for the Cure" parties on my books then use Lesley's brilliant simple class opening to get bookings from bookings (something that has held me back in the past, but now that I AM SOLD on the 2nd appt - a breeze!!) Power Start and SHOWIN' hubby the $$$$ with 2 MK accts!

  5. My October goal is to hold 3 classes each week.

    Specifically, I will coach my hostesses properly to ensure that the classes will hold. I don't seem to have an issue with booking the class, but my struggle is actually making the class hold (shocking!). I will now be using Lesley's Excellent Hostess Coaching Dialogue and am ready to have some awesome classes!

  6. (Tracy Sanchez) I have BIG goals for October and although I am nervous about them, I am also excited about the opportunities accomplishing them will bring. My first goal is to get back into car qualification. I plan on doing that by adding new team members and holding 10 classes in October (my second big goal)! I am going to do that with some blitz weekends both here and in the Bay Area. By holding 10 classes, I plan on getting lots of 2nd appts. & scheduling lots of interviews, building my team to earn that car! Super excited!

  7. My October goal is to go full force. I want to have at least 3 classes on my books each week and I want to build my team by 5 people. I want to have power Saturdays 2x a month at least for the next few months.

    I am going to accomplish this by really going through my date book and highlighting the areas that work for me to have a class. I am going to discuss with Marcie (my director) ways to present the opportunity to other women. Really what works for me is just jumping in and doing it and then I find my groove. I am that way with everything. It is just a matter of taking that initial step. I realize that I am going to have to put some extra time in to be able to get more out later.

    I have a lot of reasons to make this business work for me and got my final push on Thursday when I found out that my mom has cancer. I know God is on our side and I trust in Him, but I need to be able to be there for her and my current JOB does not allow that. My dad travels a lot and does not have the faith that we have, so I am her strength. On top of that, I am also a single mom of a wonderful (almost) 6 year old boy. I want and need the flexibility this can offer me.

  8. Wow Amanda,
    you have a lot on your plate right now but I know that you can make this business work for you. Where there is a will, there is a way and you definitely sound like you have the will so I've no doubt you will find the way and Mary Kay will help you. All the best to you, your mother and your family.Keep on working your business and good things will follow.- Cynthia O'Toole

  9. My goals for October are:

    1. Finish my pearls of sharing, and getting my red jacket. I have four more shares and from those I should have a third recruit, especially with the $50 kit.

    2. Practicing my class dialogue. I'll get my confidence from knowing what to say, and classes will be more fun. I plan on getting together with some other MK gals to practice.

    3. Track my progress.

    4. Getting the most I can out of Pacesetters. Review vouchers daily and make sure I'm keeping up with the homework.

    5. Do 10 Before & Afters. I've started posting B&Fs on facebook and have been getting a lot of positive feedback. I have 5 B&Fs scheduled from that.

  10. For the month of October, my goal is to recruit enough to start DIQ and work with Lesley's opening class info. I want to work on my 8 point close and make sure that I am booking that second appt. I am really excited to grow and make more women want to be apart of what we are doing.

  11. For the month of October, I am going to hold at least 2-3 classes consistently. Memorizing Lesley's opening class info and emphasizing the 2nd appt. will make it easier to talk about the opportunity. The $50 promo will make it more enticing. After seeing Lesley pick up her car this am, it really put a dream in my heart that it is possible for me to do the same. I am also going to memorize to become a master booker and the 8 point close. I MUST get over my fear of warm chattering and just talking to people about the great product. I love this product and they may love it more than I do. And being truthful about it, that is the only way I'll be able to meet my goals. Be Unafraid!! In all this, it is my goal to be driving free end of christmas.

  12. My goal for October is to complete my pearls of sharing, recruiting at least 3. And to book that initial party to get rebookings with. I will memorize Lesleys simple open and my 8 point close.

  13. My goals in October is to definitely start recruiting quality ladies as well as making those second and even third appointments. I will do this by memorizing the 8 point close! I think that is so awesome. I also think it will be VERY beneficial to let people know that they will be getting a second appointment with me in the beginning of the class rather than at the end like Lesley said. I thought this was so clever and totally think it will work. At the same time I want to find quality ladies to recruit. In order to do this, I will ask people at my classes to hold sharing appointments with me when I make the second appointment. I will wear my pin as much as possible so people know that I am a consultant.

  14. October Goal is to do 100 Shares in one month. That is Unit Goal for us. With this amazing opportunity this month for the starter kit at $50 I am working hard to achieve this. I would love to be in DIQ by October 31st. Also, as I am going to work on simplifying my SCC. I am going to try Lesley's approach for 15 skin care classes and see how it goes. I am lookig forward to seeing what kind of accomplishments I am going to have for this month. I plan on beating my best month ever which was April with 2 new team members. Right now I am tied, but I am moving forward.

  15. My October goal is to hold at least two classes a week. I will do this by memorizing Lesley's script and initiating warm chatter with women at the gym and other public places. I will make second appointments with people and follow-up consistently. I will share the opportunity with at least five dynamic women and add them to my team.

  16. My goal for October is to master the opening for a skin care class and the 8 point close. I am hoping that this will get me bookings from my bookings so that I can hold at least 3 classes/parties a week.

    I want to to do super star elite this month. I want to recruit at least 3 new team members so I want to hold at least 12 sharing appointments.

    I will be holding a skin care class at my house and I will be having an open house for all of the new holiday products, as well as, the 12 days of Christmas boxes. I am hoping to get at least $500 dollars in sale from the open house and at least $200 dollars from the class.

    Stacey Hall

  17. My October goal is to go into car qualification. How? Share like crazy!!! I am going to hold 10 more sharing appointments by October 23rd.

  18. CYNTHIA- Make sure you are really focusing on those parties! Those will lead you to your new team members. I am LOVING the new $50 promo and know you can TOTALLY maximize that this month to get you closer to car. Make a decision to do it, and back it with work and it's a done deal!!!

    TARA- I had a similar issue with sharing when I first became a consultant. For some odd reason, it was out of my comfort zone. When I finally made the decision to just work the numbers- the momentum EXPLODED!!! The numbers don't lie- you just have to work them! When you get your first team member it makes it so much easier to get the next one! I'm really excited to see you participate in next week's pacesetter's because it's all about team building! I think it will help put sharing into a new perspective for you! :-)

    Kemmerr- A name tag/your MK pin is a excellent idea! Did you know you'll get about an extra $1200 in sales every year by wearing your pin everywhere you go??

    JESSICA IVY!!!!!! I didnt know you were on target for your car!!!!!! This is awesome!! FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS on a powerstart and PLEASE PLEASE take advanatage of the $50 opportunity kit. You could totally FINISH your car this month with that special- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take advantage of it!! (haha am I convincing enough?)

    Jessica C- 3 classes a week is awesome and will get you places in your business FAST. Just focus on working FULL circle and getting that second appointment! Excited to start seeing you up front at the meetings with consistent $1,000 weeks! What a inspiration to new consultants and everyone else!!

    Tracy- You know I am a HUGE fan of Blitz weekends and with your lifestyle (aka busy mom) that is PERFECT. Full circle, really promoting the $50 opportunity kit will get you there! Im cheering you on and know you can do it. I've seen you put your mind to things before and you finish- so finish this one how YOU WANT TO!! :-)

    Amanda- I am so very sorry to hear about your mom but my heart is comforted in knowing that you KNOW you have God on your side. What a advantage you have that many do not have. One thing I have learned is that God will not give us anything bigger than what we are capable of handling AND there is a reason he has you going through what you are going through. You might not see it clearly now, but you will one day. We will all be keeping you and your mom in our prayers. She is so blessed to have you as a daughter! It sounds like you have a great relationship. You know, one of the quotes that I heard that really hit home with me when I was going through my family's tragedy was "When your passion and your purpose are greater than your excuses- you will find a way." Amanda, even in the midst of ALL OF IT- this has allowed you to see your purpose in Mary Kay. Run with that, back it with work, and a whole lot of prayer. Can't wait to see your victories!

  19. Michelle- Red jacket already? You rock!! AND I have been LOVING the before/afters on facebook!!

    Kristen- Mark my will be a top director in Mary Kay. Your level of passion for this business is so unique and your work ethic has always inspired me. You are going to (and already have) touch so many lives. Im so thankful to do life with you. :-)

    Sue- I am so glad you went and saw Lesley pick up her car! That will help paint the vision in your mind!! I know you'll have that car by Christmas!!

    Kathy- Excited about your goals this month. Just be aware of realistic numbers. If we recruit 1 out of 4, you'll need to do 12 interviews total to get your 3 recruits. (Pearls is only 6 shares). While it is VERY possible that you will do 6 shares and get 3 team members, you ALWAYS want to plan with the numbers. This way, you'll end above and beyond what you expected!

    Danielle- Look for yourself! That's the type of woman you want to recruit! :-)

    Tammy- I know you can do it!! You've had such momentum lately, and if you set your mind to it, YOU CAN! I say go for a GOLD MEDAL this month!!!

    Hannelore- LOVE LOVE LOVE your crystal clear plan. You are a woman on a mission!!

    STACEY HALL!!!- I have not gotten the chance to corner you and CONGRATULATE you for BEING IN THE TOP 20 OF THE ENTIRE PEARL SEMINAR FOR COURT OF SALES YTD!! I was talking to Lori and we both really believe that with how much you sell- you can be QUEEN. We are so proud of you!!

  20. Inez- I love your energy. What do you put in your coffee? LOL. Everyone will want to be on your team because everyone LOVES YOU! You are such a quality person Inez! You are doing so awesome and Im so proud of you!

  21. My goal for October is to memorize the Simple Class Opening and the 8 point close. I will also have more classes booked on the weekends (at the very least 2 each weekend) and 1 or 2 throughout the week in between work and school. I know I will have my first new team member and working on adding 2 more. I will work on being a better coach.
    How: Practice, practice, practice. In the car, shower, in front of my cats, walking to the mailbox, walking to work and on breaks. To memorize the SCO and 8 Pt. Close, I will study it with my soon to be new team member before she even signs. This way we can work together to help her become a strong consultant from the very beginning and help me to be stronger at it.

  22. My goals for October (and the months ahead) are 1) to get back into car qualification this month and complete by December 31st 2) to end the month with 8 active team members and add 2 new active team members each month after that and 3) sell at least $3200 a month in product to make monthly cash payments for my husband's new endeavor (Motorcycle Mechanic School).

  23. My goal for October is to get BACK into my red jacket, to hold 3-5 parties a week, to perfect my close, to start a before and after portfolio, and to make a dent in paying off my debt.

    Lisa Feuerborn ~ Lia Carta Unit

  24. My October goal is to get at least three team members. I will do this by having enough confidence that I am able to book each of the girls from my classes to hold shares with my director. With every week of training and particularly this power pacesetters, my confidence grows, and with it, my excitement. I hope to convince the girls in my classes of the value of our service, and that in doing so, I will attract others that are as excited about the opportunity as I am.

  25. I will be back in my Red Jacket by Oct 20th. I am committing to holding 10 skin care classes & holding 15 shares with my director Lisa. I am going to our 1st Red Jacket Advance, so I need to get it done!!

  26. My Goals for October are to hold 1 class a week ($300 in sales) and add my first team member!!! Held my first class today so this week I've met one goal, a little short on the sales though. My plan is to double book all my appointments and to consistently get on the phone! I have 2 guests that plan on coming with me to Lily's debut on Tuesday. Slow but steady and little bits of consistency, that's how I plan to sprinkle Mary Kay into my life and meet my goals.

  27. My goal for October is to build my business up enough to reap the benefits of reorders and commission. What I have done so far to make that happen is book a party for every week this month and still trying to add more. Plus I've planted the "share seed" so I just need to follow up and get some dates and times set.

  28. First off, I hadn't realized I was blogging under the wrong heading, I had set it to my favorites, and everytime I commented it went under voucher one, and since no one else was commenting, I figured I needed to do something different and finally figured it out, but I have blogged for every day from voucher one, they are all just under voucher one comments
    Jaime Tisdel said...
    My October goal is to become a red jacket, get my third team member active, get at least three classes a week, consistently by the end of the month. Refine my class skills, including the opening and closing of the class that was shared with us at the class. I will be able to be confident enough to step farther out of my comfort zone, and do it everyday without being challenged to in pacesetters. I also want by the end of the month at least three hundred a week in sales, consistently. And have my two checking accounts opened, and my cash flow in the right direction, right account, Also in October I intend to straighten out my receipts and sales slips the way we were shown.

    October 3, 2009 9:50 PM

  29. Day 2:
    One thing that tends to hold me back is party cancellations. I am not going to let this hold me back, because now I am completely educated on how to avoid them in the first place! Yay!

    I will work diligently to properly coach my hostess' for each party that I have on my datebook. :-)

  30. One thing that holds me back is sharing. It's a mental thing, but I will no long let it hold me back anymore. I will not let it hold me back. I will share, I will share, I will share.

  31. (Sharon Turley) I just realized that I've been posting in the wrong place. So I cut and copied Saturday's blog here:
    sparkler59 said...
    In October, I will put the product on 40 faces. To accomplish this, I am hosting a party in my home next Saturday, and Thursday, the 29th,and I have 1 more party booked for the 24th. I am also calling preffered customers to get referrals-My goal is to get at least 25 new customers this month through referrals,who I will facial. I will book at least 2 parties from each party that I hold, and I am working on getting 6 more parties on my books for the month. I also am planning to share the $50 starter kit with 3 or more prospects a week.

    October 4, 2009 12:03 AM

  32. My personal goal this month is to MAKE IT HAPPEN and show my hubby THE MONEY $$$$. My goal is to sale $3000 personally. Promote to red jacket. By producing $1000 in party sales. $1000 in my PINK BASH on the 24th and $1000 in 48hr hostess email party. Meet and talk to EVERYBODY. Master the simple opening and 2nd appointment approach. OWN MY PARTIES AND MY EVENTS. I would like to meet 5 more Sharp woman who join my team.

  33. My personal plan is to sell 4000.00 in product this month. Grow my customer base and hold 3 sharing appointment's(get some team members!). And fill my date book with skin care classes!

  34. My personal goal is to do more faces than classes. I have noticed that peopl dont wont to hold partys but would rather have face to face contact. i plan on finding a group of women that would not mind all getting togather at my house ortheirs and then jsut doing a handcial.Also i want to be in my red jacket by November.
